Large projects for animals

Philanthropy and Large Donations

Great projects need great people like you. They require time, great investments, passion, and the willingness to accompany us on long journeys that can truly change the animals’ lives.

Write or call us

Ilaria Tordone
Head of Legacies and Major Donors


Since 1977, we have been fighting for animal rights.

The battles we win, the animals we save, and the change we strive for every day are possible also thanks to our major donors. Large donations allow us to imagine and carry out large projects for animals that require vision, passion, time and large investments and allow us to act promptly and effectively to save animals during emergencies, within 48 hours.


We dedicate time and care to each of our major donors through meetings, insights, events, and dedicated reporting. Our willingness to tell about the projects we carry out, the care we take in managing the donations entrusted to us, and the transparency in the management of the funds allow us to cultivate a relationship of deep trust with our donors, who choose to invest in our actions and in our vision of the world.

Becoming a Major LAV Donor means committing to carry out large projects for animals, and contributing to the change of the laws and the markets and systems that, to this very day, do not consider and do not protect animal rights.

A new pig shelter in Alviano

By supporting this project you will be helping hundreds of
exploited and abused pigs, who have been rescued and now need a home.

The project you can support right now

For a year, we have been taking care of the pigs rescued from an abusive farm in Cilavegna in the province of Pavia and the little ones born from previous mating, a total of 130 lives.

To support them, we spend € 8,750.00 every month (food, veterinary expenses, operators, electricity, land rent).

We are now working to give a home to another 52 pigs (all neutered and sterilized), from the now former slaughterhouse and dairy farm of the prison-island of Gorgona. In 2020, after years of battles and petitions, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Municipality of Livorno, the prison and LAV was signed. Thanks to this Memorandum, Gorgona became the island of human and animal rights.

To house these animals, we started working on a plot of land in Alviano, a municipality in Terni province, to turn it into a shelter.

Thanks to donations, we will be able to set up 2 nurseries, buy the huts to serve as shelters for the night and the cold, the feeders and fix the fences to make spaces and animals safe.

To receive the complete project sheet you can write to:

Ilaria Tordone
Head of Legacies and Major Donors 

Support one of our projects

Long-term Projects

With a large donation, you can also help us support some mission projects that need funding and require continuous development.

With 1,500 euro you can support our Legal Department

Support our Legal Department engaged in legal battles and lawsuits in cases of animal abuse and other crimes against animals.

With 3,000 euro you can support our Emergency Unit

Allow our Emergency Unit to intervene within 48 hours from any event by sending a specialised team or sending funds.

With 5,000 euro you can support Our Research Without Animals Area

Promote scientific and ethical research without the use of animals by supporting scholarships and the rehabilitation of animals rescued from vivisection.

The Testimony

I had to do something for the world of voiceless creatures and my little was no longer enough, so I thought of LAV, a historic organisation, never improvised, always at the forefront of transparency and commitment, somehow so close to Mendittorosa in terms of consistency and tenacity. Now I know that our contribution is not dispersed but instead acquires great value because it helps LAV to help the representatives of innocence: the animals. Each of us must start somewhere, we have chosen to start from the base to fill with love the respect unduly taken away from animals in the name of man's development and we have chosen not to do it alone but to channel our energy and our love to the hands and voice of LAV!

Stefania Squeglia

Owner and creator of Mendittorosa, alongside LAV in the project to recover animals rescued from laboratories


Write or Call Us

We are always available to meet you and share with you the different ways to support our Large Projects for Animals. Contact us to learn about our ongoing projects and to imagine together a new world that cares for the life of every living being.

Telefono: +39 320 4792597
Ilaria Tordone
Head of Legacies and Major Donors 

IBAN: IT 59 F 05018 03200 000015011125

All donations to LAV are deductible.