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Our Achievements

Since 1977, we have embarked on a remarkable journey, achieving significant milestones in the fight for animal rights. Discover the transformative impact we have made along the way!

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End of Fur Farming in Italy


The Senate's vote of confidence in the government's maxi-amendment to the budget bill has decreed the definitive end of fur farming in Italy, effective January 1, 2022, after a one-year suspension.

Animals Are Included in the Italian Constitution


In February 2022, more than twenty years after our first proposal, we succeeded in being the fifth country in the world to include the protection of the environment, biodiversity, animals, and ecosystems in the Constitution.


Veterinary Medication


In 2021, as a result of our #curiamolitutti campaign, a Decree of the Minister of Health has come into force, allowing veterinary doctors to prescribe human medication with the same active ingredient, but significantly cheaper. A great conquest, for millions of animals and their families, who will be able to save on the often-inaccessible cost of medicines.

Gorgona: the Island of Rights


From 2020, after years of struggle, the implementation of the prisoner-animal relationship project on the prison island of Gorgona begins, with a stop to slaughtering and the rescue of the almost 600 animals raised.

Deduction of Veterinary Expenses


In 2019, thanks to one of our parliamentary amendments, we obtained the first increase in the Budget Law of the deductible share of veterinary expenses.

Over 500,000 Migratory Birds Saved


In 2018, thanks to our appeals to the Regional Administrative Court, we managed to save over 500 thousand migratory birds from hunters' guns in Lombardy.

Ban on Animal Use for Cosmetics Testing


In 2013, once the European stop on animal testing for cosmetic purposes was completed, restrictions on the use of animals for experimentation came into effect in Italy and a ban on the breeding of dogs, cats, and laboratory primates was introduced (Legislative Decree No. 26/2014 implementing Directive 2010/63/EU on the Protection of Animals Used for Scientific Purpose).

Closure of Green Hill


We succeeded in obtaining the historic closure of Green Hill - in Montichiari (Brescia) - the breeding farm of beagle dogs destined for laboratories all over Europe and the definitive condemnation of the managers.
With Law 220/2012, we succeeded in having the integration of Article 1138 of the Civil Code approved with the provision 'The rules of the condominium regulations may not prohibit the possession or keeping of pets'.

Animal-free Agreements in Fashion and "Not Tested on Animals" Standard


Agreements with fashion brands to overcome the use of fur inserts and whole furs.

In collaboration with other organisations, we have implemented the International Standard for cosmetics companies that do not test their products and ingredients on animals.

Veterinary Ambulance in Emergencies


Article 31 of Law 120/2010 and related Ministerial Decree No. 217 of 9 October 2012 establish that the reform of the Highway Code equates the need to transport an injured animal to that of people and equates the urgency of veterinary ambulances to those for humans.

Ban on All Trade in Seal 'Products'


In 2009, thanks in part to our intervention, the European Parliament passes a ban on all trade in seal products in the EU.

We succeed in passing Law 201/210 against the trafficking of puppies from Eastern Europe and increasing penalties against animal abuse.

Ban on Import of Seal Pelts and Derivatives


In 2006, thanks to our campaign, the Law banning the import of seal pelts and derivatives was passed.

Animal Abuse Becomes a Crime


In 2004, Law No. 189, which we strongly desired, came into effect: the crimes of abuse and killing of animals became a  crime.

In the same year, thanks to our initiatives, the Ministry of Agricultural Policy prohibits by Law the use of force-feeding for ducks and geese and the plucking of live birds.

Dog and Cat Fur Imports are Banned


In 2002, thanks to the advocacy efforts of LAV, Italy became the first country in Europe to ban the import and marketing of dog and cat fur.

In the same year, following the rejection of an amendment that would have legalized off-facility betting on dog racing, the last cynodrome in Rome closed, and no new cynodromes have been opened since.

Rome: March for Animal Rights


On October 2, LAV organized a large demonstration for animal rights in Rome, with around 30,000 people participating.

Some Advertising Campaigns Are Blocked


Appealing to the Advertising Self-Discipline Jury, LAV successfully blocks the slogan "Meat is indispensable" used by a production consortium. And in the following years, we manage to block advertising campaigns with the same claims made by Mellin and the Ministry of Agricultural Policies.

First Program of Commitments for Animals


In 1993, LAV and other associations in Rome drafted the first Program of Commitments for Animals for the election of a Mayor. This example would be imitated in many other cities in the years to come.

The following year, LAV succeeded in having the first Municipal Office for Animal Rights opened in Rome, and in 2004, the first one was implemented in a Province, the Province of Rome.

LAV also promoted and obtained Law 413/93 on conscientious objection to animal experimentation for students and researchers.

Increase in Protected Species


In 1992, Law No. 157 on Wildlife and Hunting was passed, increasing the number of protected species, decreasing the hunting territory, and banning pigeon shooting. In the same year, efforts against trade in protected species (Washington Convention) led to Law 150, and in 1993, the right to conscientious objection to animal experimentation was recognized for researchers and university students with the approval of Law 413.

Stop to Death Penalty for Stray Animals


In 1991, LAV after years of struggle succeeded in getting Law No. 281 passed, determining a stop to the death penalty for stray dogs and stray cats

First Municipal Ordinances


In the mid-1980s he succeeded in getting the first ordinances issued by mayors (Rome, Florence among other cities) forbidding the killing -through gas chambers or other methods -of dogs held in public kennels that, three days after their capture, had not yet been adopted.